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  • Writer's pictureFaisal Khan

My first travel to Ladakh & Kashmir (2010) - Dream Destination (Part 2)

Updated: Nov 22, 2020

I hope you enjoyed the previous blog, you know it was my first ever blog I wrote? Let's get on the roads of Ladakh...

View of Himalayan Peaks from Leh Airport
View of Himalayan Peaks from Leh Airport

In this blog, I will take you along with me to the journey of beautiful landscapes, high passes, rivers, lakes, monasteries & breathtaking views in Ladakh & Kashmir.

Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitudeof compassion and loving-kindness.
Lama Ji giving his blessings to local people
Lama Ji giving his blessings to local people

Next morning I went to the airport to pick up the group as per the scheduled time of arrival and luckily their flight was going to arrive on time and they didn’t have any delay while waiting for the flight I was sitting outside the airport and then I saw that somebody very famous was going to arrive as there were so many people with Ladakh traditional outfit gathered for his welcome, I was very curious to know who he is so I asked the local people and they told me that he’s is very important Lama & came to visit HH Dalai Lama #hhdalailama As everybody was qued up so I also queued up in the line to get blessed from him and what a way to start the with blessings of Lame Ji...

and then while waiting I was always looking towards the peak of the Himalayan mountains,

It’s always very beautiful to watch those Himalayan peaks because it's like a dove soared into the sky, for me these mountains are an aspect of God - Satyam (Truth) Shivam (Power) Sundaram (Beauty), during the day it changes its colors many times as nature is trying to dress them always.

Lost in mountains?? Yes exactly same way I was lost & for a while forgot that my group was about to arrive anytime, so the group which was arriving I knew many of them because I had taken them already to the Maharashtra region & we have been to Mumbai, Elephanta caves, Lonalvala, Karla & Bhaja caves together & also to Aurangabad Ajanta & Ellora caves there we became so close and every time they came to India as their tour guide they always hired me so it was a privilege for me to working with them and I was very excited to see them again, when they came out from the airport we greeted them with a very traditional welcome in Ladhaki culture, we greeted them with stalls, Which were blessed by the Lama Ji in monastery after meet & greet we headed towards the hotel once we reach to the hotel we had a quick introduction & briefing session with the group, I explain them about how the day will go on and they have to take good rest because also I had that experience day before so I knew how they’re going to feel, therefore I asked them to stay in hotel and take enough rest possible drink as much as water you can, don’t walk, don’t go outside andi was going to check with them again at the dinner, after the checkin formalities everybody went to their rooms for a good rest and then we met again at the dinner where I introduce them also with our local Ladakhi Guide his name is Mr. Stobgais he’s very experienced and very kind hearted person I have ever met in my traveling experience so far,

So after the dinner and after some chat, we all went to sleep and we decided that next day we will be visiting around the lake city only and we won’t be moving so much further so that we can still be acclimatized to the altitude.

Day 2

So next morning after breakfast we were ready to go outside and as expected few of them were feeling headache & it's normal, so our drivers were ready one important thing when we are traveling in a group in Ladakh we cannot have a big bus or a coach so what we have to do is we have to organize different cars which are comfortable because in a small car while we are going through the turns in the mountains one doesn’t feel that much of dizziness like, so for that, We started our first excursion & we went to visit Leh city & around

Leh was an important stopover on trade routes along the Indus Valley between Tibet to the east, Kashmir to the west and also between India and China for centuries. The main goods carried were salt, grain,pashmorcashmere wool,charasorcannabisresin from the Tarim Basin, indigo, silk yarn, and Banaras brocade.

Leh City View

First, we went to see leh palace former home of the royal family of Ladakh, built in the same style, and about the same time as the Potala Palace in Tibet, Leh Palace is a former royal palace overlooking the town of Leh, Ladakh, in the Indian Himalayas. The palace was constructed circa 1600 by Sengge Namgyal. The palace was abandoned when Dogra forces took control of Ladakh in the mid-19th century and forced the royal family to move to StokPalace.

Leh Palace, Ladakh
Leh Palace, Ladakh

Then we visited a few monasteries around Leh city like Shankar Gompa then we stopped for lunch & visited the market area, In the evening we went to see the Shanti stupa from where one can have a very good panoramic view of leh city which is surrounded Himalayan mountain.

Shanti Stupa is a Buddhist white-domed stupa on a hilltop in Chanspa, Leh district, Ladakh, in north India. It was built in 1991 by Japanese Buddhist Bhikshu, Gyomyo Nakamura, and part of the Peace Pagoda mission.

Shanti Stupa, Leh
Shanti Stupa, Leh

The Shanti Stupa holds the relics of the Buddha at its base, enshrined by the 14th Dalai Lama.

While sitting at Shanti stupa just look at those beautiful peaks with blue & white shaded umbrella & let yourself alone, being alone does not mean being lonely it means being all alone being all in one.

'' Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing''

After Shanti stupa & a wonderful day, we came back to the hotel & we had our dinner, later we took rest so that we are ready for our next day.

Day 3

Next day after the breakfast I met with the group to check how they all were doing, today all the voices were sounding good & clear so we continued our excursion around Leh City and first, we went towards the famous Hemis monastery traveling to Hemis monastery itself is a thrilling experience and the surroundings make the journey a memorable one, and this monastery is a very well-known monastery in the Ladhak region, It is the wealthiest monastery of India, as it is hidden from one in between the mountain ranges

Hemis Monastery, Ladakh
Hemis Monastery, Ladakh

Hemis Monastery is a Buddhist monastery of the Drukpa Lineage, in Hemis, Ladakh, India. Situated 45 km from Leh, the monastery was re-established in 1672 by the Ladakhi king Sengge Namgyal. The annual Hemis festival honoring Padmasambhava is held in early June.

The main building has white walls. The entrance to the complex is through a big gate that reaches a large courtyard. The stones of the walls are decorated and painted with religious figures. On the northern side are two assembly halls, and as in most of the monasteries, one can also see the guardian deities and the Wheel of Life here. The Hemis Monastery also has an important library of Tibetan books and a very impressive and valuable collection of Thangkas, gold statues, and Stupas embedded with precious stones.

One of the largest Thangkas is displayed every 12 years during the Hemis Festival, held for two days in June-July. one can also visit a very well preserved monastery museum.

Thikse Monastery, Ladakh
Thikse Monastery, Ladakh

After visiting Hemis Monastery we made our next stop to Thiksey Monastery

Thiksey Monastery is one of the most beautiful Tibetan style monasteries in India & my favorite, At a height of around 3600 meters above sea level, it is situated in between the cold deserts of Leh and Ladakh.

Known to be the largest Tibetan monastery in Ladakh, Thiksey monastery houses several stupas, statues, and another Buddhist style of architecture. One should go at the rooftop for the spectacular view of mountains & terrain - a must-visit in Ladakh.

A View from Thiksey Monastery
A View from Thiksey Monastery

Later we visited few small villages of Ladhak region and then we continue to visit few other monastery‘s we stop for the lunch and after the lunch, we went to see Shey Palace which is which was the ancient kingdom for the royal family of Ladakh now it is in room situation but inside there is a very big statue of Buddha and also a very panoramic view from the monastery,

And after visiting that we get back to the hotel and we went to the Local market we just had a walk and then let everybody feel in between the Ledakhi people so that they get immersed into the Local culture today it was a good day because everybody was feeling better than yesterday because not everybody was still 100% well but yes it was better than yesterday, and after visiting that we came back to the hotel.

Day 4

This morning we were leaving out of Leh city & our destination was Nubra valley, we had an early morning breakfast as our plan was to leave early (its better to leave early to avoid traffic jam), Remember to drive towards Nubra valley a permit is mandatory & that can be easily availed prior to travel through your local travel agent.

“Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings“ - HH Dalai Lama

We had all our luggage loaded in cars as we were going to spend a night in Nubra, each & everyone had handy a water bottle because today we were going to climb higher & we going to pass the highest pass of the world - Khardungla Pass at e height of 5600 meters or 18379 feet Approx, so I knew that some of us may suffer mountain sickness.

The early morning sky was a representation of every person I know, you are the sun and everyone else are the fading stars, soon to disappear by your blazing love.

As we were driving higher & just below the Khardungla pass we were stuck in a traffic jam, in 2010 road conditions were not as good as now so many times they used

to stop traffic & release one-way traffic & it's normal that you get behind Army convoy & to avoid that we left early & thank god else we would have been there for the whole day. It's the proudest feeling to see our #IndianArmy working so hard to keep us so safe & they take care of our borders so that we can sleep well with our families.

To find us, you must be good, to catch us you must be fast, but to beat us.....…………........ you must be kidding - Indian Army

I decided to not stop today at #khardunglapass & today we continued to drive to #nubravalley as we lost plenty of time while we were stuck before Khardung-la & because of altitude few of our passengers were having a headache.

it was a lovely day & we enjoyed the wonderful breathtaking views while driving towards Nubra valley, we stopped several times for Chai time (Indian Tea), Lunch & 2 mandatory check-post before reaching Nubra Valley, I was so much lost in the beauty of these valleys we were driving through & thinking - your deepest roots are in nature.  No matter who you are, where you live, or what kind of life you lead, you remain irrevocably linked with the rest of creation.

Nubra Valley
First view from Nubra Valley
Samstanling Monastery
A Child monk making beautiful Mandala

The beauty of these valleys has filled everybody with so much of joy & energy that upon arrival we want to visit nearby places of Nubra & we decided that we will go to visit a Monastery before reaching our tents, so we headed towards Sumur village, Deep in the sparsely populated, remote region of Nubra Valley, en route to Panamik, lies Samstanling Monastery. Situated a little way further ahead of Samyur village settlement,

the monastery was founded by Lama Tsultim Nyima in 1841.

Hunder Sand Dunes

After visiting Monastery we arrived at our tents & we checked in after leaving our luggage & a little rest we had a round of late afternoon snack we were ready to go towards Hunder village - Stark, beautiful and remote, the Hunder Village is an oasis in the middle of a cold desert in Nubra Valley. It has acquired fame for its desert landscape and its sand dunes. Adventure enthusiasts come here to ride on the Bactrian camels, walk along the desert, and take-in breath-taking natural beauty. Hunder Sand Dunes is one of the high altitude deserts in the world that covers a large area.

Later we were back to our tents, it was a wonderful day & everybody enjoyed a lot while having dinner we all shared our views of the day.

Day 5

This morning also we woke up little early & left our tents with luggage because today we were heading back to Leh city but first we were going to visit famous Monastery of Nubra Valley - Diskit Monastery it's my favorite one, it is considered as one of the oldest as well as the largest Buddhist center in Ladakh.

The #Diskitmonastery was constructed during the 14th century by Changzem Tserab Zangpo. The huge 100 foot Maitra Buddha statue was inaugurated by the well-known holy priest Dalai Lama is now the key attraction among a number of tourists across the globe. A very beautiful panoramic view from the top of the monastery & a good photo point. Early in the morning energy of all the prayers going around the monastery will give you an unbelievable peace, relaxation & you will forget all the hurdles of life, I can spend hours meditating here.

Maitra Buddha statue was still under construction & it was inaugurated by #HHDalailama in July 2010 a month later to my visit.

Maitra Budha Statue, June 2010 - Diskit, Nubra Valley
Maitra Budha Statue, June 2010 - Diskit, Nubra Valley

After spending a beautiful morning & some great photo sessions at the monastery & around, we headed towards Leh City & the way may sound similar but the views are totally different,

This is a hard-hitting fact, look back at the normal life we spent But I am sure you will cherish the memory of that travel which you were not sure until you did it! That sense of achievement is bigger than what you might have achieved all your life. It doesn’t matter if you have ever traveled before. When was the last time you did something for the first time? So just go and plan your God damn travel to Ladakh.

Khardung-la Pass, Ladakh
Towards Khardung-la Pass, Ladakh

We were climbing again to the highest pass but today situation healthwise was better & this the reason I decided not to stop yesterday (we as a tour leader sometimes have to make decisions so that whole group should feel comfortable, although sometimes few people don't agree, that's one of the many challenges in what we are expertise & at the end of the trip they appreciate our decisions for their safety & enjoyable trip).

Khardungla Top, Ladakh
Khardungla Top, Ladakh

later we drove back to Leh, upon reaching Leh we had free time to relax & few of us went to the Leh market & spent the rest of the shopping & hanging around.

Day 6

Early in the morning, we were getting ready to go for a same-day excursion to #pangonglake as in 2010 there were not good options to spend a night & since it is an army area so permission to have cottages or tents totally depends on Indian Army, it was going to be another wonderful day as we were going to pass through beautiful villages, valleys & an another highest pass of our trip, there was so much of excitement for this day as well.

Pangong lake, India
This was the way where we were driving towards Pangong Lake, Ladakh

We made a couple of stops to visit some villages & for lunch then we headed towards #Pangonglake Pangong Tso or Pangong Lake is an endorheic lake in the Himalayas situated at a height of about 4,350 m or 14272 feet. It is 134 km long and extends from India to the Tibetan Autonomous Region, China. Approximately 60% of the length of the lake lies within the Tibetan Autonomous Region. The lake is 5 km wide at its broadest point.

Some Facts about Tso Pangong Lake:

  • Did you know the lake water changes its colors? True! Pangong Tso is popular for its changing color ability. Its color changes from shades of blue to green to red.

  • It is one of the highest altitude lakes in the world that is filled with saline water. It is located at an altitude of 4350 m above sea level. However, even though it is a saline water lake, Pangong Tso freezes completely during winters.

  • The brackish water of this region has very low micro-vegetation. There, in the lake, you won’t find any aquatic life or fish, except crustaceans.

Check out more pictures on my page

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."

After having a wonderful time at #pangonglake we headed back to Leh because the weather condition was not good, so I decided for the safety of all, it was a rough drive & we stopped for a few more pictures at #changlapass then we went down to #leh, we rested to be ready for another day.

Day 7

This morning we were heading towards #lamayuru, we were ready to say goodbye to #leh as our next destination was #Kashmir via road, we left early & our first stop was at Sangam (Confluence) where river Indus meets with River Zanskar, just the view from the road is so serene & the colors of the two rivers can be distinctly seen at the confluence.

Then we continued towards #AlchiMonastery where we visited this hidden village, its a must for history & architecture lovers, Alchi Monastery or Alchi Gompa (monastery and temple complex) lies about 65 km from Leh on the banks of the Indus River. Alchi is regarded as one of the most important Buddhist centers in Ladakh and also as one of the monastic jewels of Ladakh. The Alchi Monastery dates back to nearly one thousand years and so the effect of the Tibetan influence can be seen in the local culture. There are five shrines in the Choskor Temple Complex which has some splendid wall paintings. One of its walls features thousands of miniature sized pictures of the Buddha. Three large sized images made of clay painted brightly are its focal attraction. No longer an active religious center, it is looked after by monks from the Likir Monastery. Since the last 500 years, religion is not practiced in the Alchi Monastery. Over a period of time, the Yellow Hat sect (Gelugpa) shifted their religious activities to another place which is 30 km away, known as Likir. (there is so much to explain about this monetary, I may write another blog on monasteries in future).

Photography is not allowed inside the Alchi monastery.

Travel is much more than visiting a site, it is a change that goes on - deep & permanent, in the world of living.

After this interesting & knowledgeable visit to Alchi, we had lunch in a local restaurant & then we continued our drive to #lamayuru, its a beautiful & breathtaking drive by the side of Indus river & well-constructed roads by BRO (Border road organization) in between Himalayan mountains, Just before Lamayuru you will start noticing a strange piece of land known as #Moonland The clear blue skies meet the rugged horizon of broken mud cliffs creating an atmosphere of the lunar surface which has a powerful impact on the first time viewer’s. After a long day, we stayed the night near Lamayuru.

Moonland, Ladakh
Moonland, Ladakh

Day 8

In the Morning we visited #LamayuruMonastery it is a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery. Perched at an altitude of 11520 ft., the monastery is one of the fascinating places to visit in Ladakh. The oldest gompa is also one of the largest monasteries in Ladakh famed as Tharpa Ling which means the ‘place of freedom’. Nearly 150 monks belong to the monastery and 30-40 still reside at the gompa belonging to the Red-Sect of Buddhism. The monastery lures spirituality learners and tourists who wish to spend some time at a beautiful location amidst the sacred aura. The gompa also serves as the meditation center. Tranquil ambiance and scenic location of the monastery is mesmerizing.

Later we continued our drive to #Kargil where we were going to halt for the night.

Day 9

Since Kargil is Indian Army area & closed to pakistan border it is normal that there is so much of patrolling always going on so to avoid any chance of being stuck in there I decided to leave Kargil early morning as in 2010 road from Kargil towards Kashmir was not good also we were going to pass by another highest #Zojilapass,

We drove towards Sonmarg & today we were going to enter into Kashmir region known as paradise on earth, Today our destination was Sonmarg means "Meadow of Gold", is a picturesque hill station in the Kashmir Valley, Situated at an altitude of 2800 meters and adorned with a majestic glacier, meadow, dense forests, and snow-capped mountains make Sonmarg a beautiful location where one can spend holidays & it is popular also because many Bollywood movies were shot here. We spent a wonderful evening at Sonmarg.

Day 10 & 11

With easy start & delicious breakfast, we visited a few scenic points for pictures & then we left for Srinagar - Known as the summer capital of India, going to Srinagar was also an excitement because I have always heard about this beautiful city & a dream for many,

Kashmir is the delicate reminder of the fact that poetry not always need pages and words. Just being in Kashmir the living poetry can be felt through The beautiful Valley, Mountains & River.

Srinagar - famously known as ‘Paradise on Earth’, Srinagar is located on the banks of river Jhelum. As picturesque as the most stunning painting to ever be painted, Srinagar is known for the stationary houseboats and colorful Shikararas on Dal Lake. The main draw of Sringara, the gondola-type rowboats - Shikaras are used by the tourists to see attractions like the Floating Vegetable Market, and the Mir Bahris – a lively community of people who live on the lake itself. 

Day 12

After 2 wonderful days spent in Srinagar, we were ready to finish our journey of Ladakh & Kashmir though I didn't wanted to go back as I was so much in love with this paradise.

We drove to the Airport early as Srinagar airport requires few times security check, we flew back to Delhi & after a farewell dinner with the group I dropped them to New Delhi airport & they flew back to their home country with wonderful memories spent in beautiful locations we been to & I went back to my home in Delhi to meet my family.

Travelling leaves you speechless and then it turns you into a storyteller – IBN BATTUTA

After this trip, my passion for Traveling & Photography went to its peak that's what it continues till now, which is why after traveling almost all over India & many countries in the world finally started writing my travel experiences.

I hope you enjoyed my trip & many more to come after your feedbacks

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