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  • Writer's pictureFaisal Khan

Important tips to plan your trip to Ladakh

Before you set your foot out of your house to go to Ladakh,

You should be aware of the important tips on how to be safe & healthy while traveling in Ladakh.

Spirit of travel

This extraordinary journey means experiencing non-habitual experiences and withstanding some logistical discomforts, in exchange for realities and otherwise unreachable landscapes. Just having a good physical condition and a heartfelt spirit of adaptation and collaboration, the rest comes from itself: the pleasure of discovering and knowing, the humility to learn,

to understand, to grow.

The best thing about going to Ladakh, nestled amidst the Himalayas and The Karakoram ranges, is savoring the breathtaking views. But there are some issues which travelers to such high-altitude face. They complain of vomiting, dizziness, less amount of oxygen, etc. These problems do not allow them to enjoy to the fullest. Some people can deal with them easily while others really suffer because of them.


  • Always carry drinking water as hydration is vital in high altitude conditions to keep you going. Carrying snacks and energy drinks is also mandatory.

  • Do pack cotton wear, light woolens, strong walking shoes, sunglasses and other items in your backpack. A good sunscreen, body lotion, sunglasses and moisturizer is also recommended as it will keep your skin protected. Weather remains good during the day and gets a bit cold during the night. It is always advised that clients should carry woolens/ Shawls but most important they should carry a raincoat.

  • The Temperature in Ladakh is too low and if you will throw any biodegradable item, it will remain in the same state for a very long time, especially in snow, people defecate and the shit remains in the same form for years, so please try the Ladakhi winter toilets.

  • Make a first-aid box and carry proper medicines for headache, fever, and vomiting also in it.

  • There is electricity problem in Leh, so it is better to take extra batteries for digital products like camera, mobiles phones, etc. Charge them fully before leaving for the tour. You may not get electricity at some remote places and also because of the cold, the battery gets discharged soon.

  • Please carry 2 Passport Size Photographs each and photo identity proof along with them.

  • People, there are very friendly and hospitable. Respect them.


  • If you reach Leh by air, stay that day and do not plan to go anywhere for that day, as you will need a day or two to acclimatize yourself. Drink plenty of fluids (that does not include alcohol), do not move much for the first two to three days.

  • Don't use Polythene bags. Ladakh is a "no polythene" zone. Kindly respect this and please carry back all the plastic you take with you.

  • Refill your water bottles instead of buying new ones. Mountain water is good. If you have doubt, boil it and refill.

  • Avoid wearing clothes such as skirts, sleeveless blouse or tops while traveling in Ladakh, Wear nice clothes covering your body while on roads especially in Buddhist Gompas as you might offend their sentiments.

  • Avoid consuming alcohol and smoking during the initial days of your Ladakh trip. Besides, avoiding them completely can be good for your health and the trip.

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)

Sickness during the Ladakh trip is pretty common if one flies or drives to such a higher altitude directly. One has to experience quite extreme consequences. With the increase in altitude, things can get more serious. Therefore, before you set your foot out of your house to go to Ladakh, you should be aware of what altitude sickness is and how to save yourself from it.

Causes of AMS

The scarcity of oxygen at a great height is the major cause of Acute Mountain Sickness in Ladakh. Decreased air pressure and lower less oxygen content are quite common at higher altitudes. When you scale such heights, your body may not get enough time to adapt to the changing surroundings. This is what leads to acute mountain sickness. Besides this, the level of exertion you undergo also plays an important role. Activities that demand great physical efforts like trekking, hiking, mountaineering contribute towards causing AMS at great heights.

Symptoms of AMS

The symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness in Ladakh may resemble that of the carbon monoxide poisoning, flu, or a hangover. Fatigue, headache, stomach disorders, sleep disturbance, nausea, and dizziness are other common symptoms of AMS.

Depending on person to person, the symptoms may also vary. Some may experience mild symptoms like a headache with swelling of feet, hands, and face. While others may have nose bleeding accompanied by headache.

Usually, these symptoms may last for the short term, say, two days or a week. But, a few of them may indicate life-threatening AMS. The symptoms which indicate such a situation are related to cerebral edema and pulmonary edema.

Medicine to take or carry

Diamox – Diamox helps the body to breathe faster hence accelerating the acclimatization process. Take it as preventive medicine and not once you start feeling AMS.

Suggested Quantity – 125-250 mg twice a day

Side Effects – tingling in toes and fingers, numbness, vomiting, nausea, frequent urination, etc.

Aspirin/Disprin – Aspirin and Disprin work as blood thinners and enable your blood to carry more oxygen.

Dexamethasone - Dexamethasone also helps in overcoming AMS.

Suggested Quantity – 2-4 mg after every 6 hours

Oxygen Cylinders – One must carry portable oxygen cylinders easily available at the chemist shop to avoid AMS.

Note –  These medicines are only a recommendation. Do consult an experienced doctor before taking them. If the symptoms still persist, it’s better to drop the idea of moving further. One should immediately plan to descend to a lower altitude. Apart from these allopathic medicines, natural remedies like Clove, Garlic and Ginger can be used to alleviate AMS.

Hospitals in case of AMS

Acute Mountain Sickness can hit anybody at higher altitudes. Thus, it becomes really necessary to keep a note of nearby hospitals and dispensaries. The Sonum Norbu Memorial Hospital in Leh and Medical Dispensaries at Mulbek, Drass, Sankoo, Trespone, Padum and Panikhar can be sought after in the case of AMS.

How to avoid AMS?

The best way to avoid the increased risk of AMS is to acclimatize. In order to do so, travelers must follow all the necessary precautions while they travel to Ladakh. If you arrive at Leh by air, keep a day free to simply acclimatize. Proper rest must be taken every day. Enough sleep, good food, and no exertion will help your body get used to the heights, and low oxygen. If you are planning a road trip to Ladakh, do not overexert yourself. The key is to provide enough rest to your body. Gradually, let it adjust to the heights and low oxygen levels.

Precautions to take to overcome AMS

As it is said, ‘Prevention is better than cure’. So one must follow certain preventive steps to fight with AMS. Here’s what you can do!

  • Get a complete physical check-up to make sure you have no serious health issues.

  • If you have a blood pressure problem, do consult your doctor before planning the trip.

  • Rest properly for at least 48 hours.

  • Review the symptoms of mountain sickness so you can recognize and treat them quickly.

  • Maintain proper hydration levels in your body. Drink water frequently. You can also mix it with electrolytes and glucose for the extra energy.

  • Avoid over-exertion.

  • Ascend slowly.

  • Avoid anti-depressants and alcohol.

  • Stay at bay from overeating.

  • Do not spend too much time at high altitudes pass.

Sensitive Areas for AMS

Although AMS can hit anybody anywhere, there are some areas where the high chances of suffering from AMS are high.

  • Changthang, at an altitude of 14,846 ft above sea level

  • Tanglang La, elevation 5,328 metres (17,480 ft),

  • Pangong Tso, 4,350 m (14,270 ft).

  • Tso Moriri, at an altitude of 4,522 m (14,836 ft).

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